It is clear from your mail how scared you are of losing your wife.
You have stated that yours is a love marriage. And you both allowed work, kids etc to reduce your intimacy. This is universal.
You have come to realize the coolness that has developed in your relationship. Once the realization is there, you will look for ways to address the issue.
You can rebuild the intimacy. Maybe your wife feels unappreciated, taken for granted, not wooed any more, the fun has gone from the relationship, and/or she could could missing those early days where you spent a lot of time together. When was the last time you guys just spent a lazy afternoon chatting or watching a romantic movie? With no agenda, just enjoying each other’s company?
First have an open, frank chat with her. Why she wants some time apart? If she really needs it, respect her need.
Ask her when and where she wants to go? Ask her if you can help her with the arrangement. Hold her, apologize for the drift that has occurred. (I am not suggesting you are the cause. However, the drift has happened.) Tell her you will miss her when she is away. And you want to work on rebuilding the relationship. With her help. And that you will do your best to ensure the new pattern will be more fun, healthy and intimate.
Regain the lost love. All the best!
Counsellor at Happy Marriages