What Women Want In a Relationship?

What Women Want in a Relationship and Why Men Should Take Note of This

Dr. Rachna Khanna Singh, Director – The Mind & Wellness Clinic unravels the puzzle.

It is assumed that it is not easy to understand what a women really wants from a relationship. However, in reality we all are difficult to understand sometimes. But if we really observe, pay attention, and learn along the way, we can find some consistencies and reach conclusions in order to be more in tune with the wants and needs of a woman. Here are seven things that women want in a relationship.

Quality time

Quality time is any time that partners spend together that makes them feel closer, more connected and more in love. With advancement in technology we spent most of our time over the internet, cell phones or watching TV. Quality time can be for 20 minutes out of an entire evening together at home, or it might be hours. The amount of the quality time doesn’t always matter, as long as you do it often enough to keep the relationship feeling good.

To be trusted

Relationships are based on the foundation of trust. Women today are more confident and independent than ever before. She can have her own interest, hobbies or occasional night outs with her girls. It is important for her partner to trust her. Without trust, a relationship simply will not function harmoniously and it will eventually fall apart.


Women want complete honesty from her partner right from the beginning. She wants her partner to be honest about his intentions, desires, or what he wants from a relationship. Relationships go a long way if partners are vocal about what they want and do not want.

To be appreciated

Everybody loves to be appreciated. Appreciated for the work they do, compromises one has made for the other, how they look and even mere gestures! Remind your partner that you love her. Tell her that you appreciate what she brings to your life. Show her what she means to you. Tell her what you appreciate, and tell her often.

To feel sexually desired

Women need to feel sexually desired. It is important for the husband to remind her that you see her as a sexual being. This will benefit both men and women.


We all have certain flaws and insecurities. But when you love somebody you automatically love the person as a whole. You don’t decide which traits you like or not. We accept them as a whole and support them on the things they want to improve about themselves.

Feeling safe while being vulnerable

No matter how bulletproof one is, we could all use a little bit of care sometimes. Women want to feel safe around their partner not just physically but emotionally too. To be able to vent their feelings and open up.

For a healthy relationship it is important to understand the balance between give and take of relationships. Instead of just focusing on ‘what women want’ it is equally important to find out ‘what a woman can give.’ Balance in a relationship means not only what you’re receiving but also that you need to give wisely.

These two points will make your relationship super strong!


Everyone has flaws; it is what makes us humans. Watch Gaur Gopal Das talk about a couple listing down each other's faults and what you can learn from their story.

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Bringing a fun and fresh take on relationships and marriage, the Editorial team helps married and to-be married couples infuse new life into their bond. Armed with the wisdom of elders packaged in a way to suit the newest generation of couples and marriage-ready singles, the Editorial team has just the right medicine, no matter what is ailing your relationship.

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4 years ago

Awesome content and thank you so much for share your knowledge