I am getting married soon. It would great if I get tips to prepare for the marriage.
I am getting married soon. It would great if I get tips to prepare for the marriage.
You are getting married soon. Congratulations.
What according to your is a happy marriage? What factors need to be present in the relationship for you to consider it as a happy one?
Most youngsters would say trust, love, acceptance, no major conflict, respect, understanding, etc. Do you also agree? What else you can add to the list?
You cannot know how much your partner will or can contribute in these areas. Which is always an unknown quantity.
So which of the items in the list created above, you will be willing to work on?
Take your time to understand your partner, what is important to him/her, share your thoughts and feelings, be willing to listen, have an open mind, do not be part of abuse (whether receiving or giving) and generally create your template that is acceptable to both. You may have to learn new things, unlearn old things, discard certain mindset, be flexible, creative and own the relationship. Owning it leads to responsibility and commitment.
You can always seek pre-marital counselling. Or have couple counselling; not because there is stress in the relationship. Because both of you want your marriage to be healthy.
Counsellor at Happy Marriages